Thursday, March 18, 2010

Copts are a minority

One among the methods for defusing copts' right is saying that Copts are not a minority but they are equal.

Some years ago, the Copts haven't allowed to participate in a conference about the minorities saying that they are not minority.

Recently, Egyptian Minster, Mofid Shehab in Geneve during defending questioning human right records in Egtpt answered the coptic minority right and said that Copts are not minority but they are equal in consitution. He compare apples with oranges. They compare the numbers with the theortical right in the constitution.

In statistics Copts are 10% while the Muslims are 90%. Then Copts are minority. That is simple. I am Mathematician and familiar with the term minority.

Let us see some examples. In many countries a party formed a stable government because it obtained more than 50% and they called the majority. The other parties called the minorities. It can happened if they get half of the seat of Parliament +1. The Democratic party in US is a majority in congress and senate because they have more than half seat . 2 Year ago they were majority in the congress but minority in the senate. because they have more than 50% of seat of congress while they have less than 50% in the senate. President of USA won the position if he get 50.01 % and said he posses the majority of the complex vote.

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